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Stealth High-Powered VIP Experience

Together we'll create your leveraged action plan + customized playbook to help you deliver your big vision and make that bold move you may not even be able to imagine right now.

Work Directly With Me In Two Ways:

Business Class

A Full Day High-Powered VIP Experience 

Spend a transformative day with me, either in-person or virtually, dedicated exclusively to elevating your dream and business.

You’ll have my undivided attention for a full day of high-powered VIP experience, designed to inspire and implement powerful strategies directly into your business to scale your reach, impact and income. 

By the time our full day intensive is over, you will have an entirely new outlook on your business and your very own unique million dollar proven strategy playbook to achieve them.

First Class

A Four-Day High-Powered VIP Experience

Join me at one of my select luxury destinations, each chosen for its unique blend of sophistication, inspiration, and breathtaking scenery.

Over four transformative days, we’ll immerse ourselves in the city’s dynamic atmosphere as you feel the power of having my eyes and team focused on every aspect of your business.

First Class is not for the faint of heart. It’s the perfect choice if you love grand adventures, luxurious experiences, and are ready to move forward at a highly accelerated pace.