I didn’t have many people to talk to when I first became a Coach.

I’ll be real with you; life was HARD. Business was slow even though I was putting round-the-clock work in, and I worried about the future constantly. I had the love and support of my husband and children, which I will forever value beyond measure, but I didn’t have peers to share my experiences with. I didn’t have like-minded dreamers to talk to or imagine the future with — at least at first.

I finally found the community and support I craved when I joined a dynamic Facebook community, as part of a paid program. Every person I spoke with was as passionate and dream-driven as I was. They inspired me to dream higher and achieve more; within months, my results began to fly through the roof!

I want my A-Listers to be just as inspired as I was — and now, you can be. For FREE!

That is why I created my ALL-NEW Facebook group for Dreamers like you. This FREE community is designed to empower High Achievers with big dreams to connect with like-minded peers, share the latest Coach Amina Z tips, and provide support to others on their journey.

Should you join? Let me ask you this:

Do you want to be one of the founding members of a community that will support and encourage dreamers across the world? Do you want to contribute to a group that prizes your creativity, courage, and imagination?

Come on; you know the answer.


Don’t wait, join now! This fantastic group won’t stay free forever — once we reach our initial milestone, The High Achievers With Big Dreams (A-List Community) will become a paid-only opportunity.

The Coach Amina Z Facebook group is YOUR platform. Make your voice heard! Join, and become a valued member of our conversation TODAY.